There are 2 surgical options available that will free you from wearing glasses; LASIK and Refractive Lens Exchange (also known as Clear Lens Exchange). There are several reasons why one procedure may be better for you than another.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is a laser vision correction procedure that changes the shape of your cornea. Basically, a flap is made with a laser. The flap is lifted, and your distance glasses prescription is sculpted onto your cornea. The flap is put back into place, which acts like a bandaid, making it quicker for your eye to heal, and allow you to see well the day after surgery. LASIK is best suited for younger people (20-50 years old) who still have the ability to focus up close (look at a phone) without a bifocal add in their glasses. After the age of 50, everyone needs help with near vision, as the lens in the eye begins to age and gets stiffer (presbyopia). If you wear glasses, you would need a bifocal add in your glasses, or if you do not wear distance glasses (or have had LASIK), then you will need reading glasses.

What is RLE?

Refractive Lens Exchange (Clear lens Exchange) is a surgical procedure to remove your natural lens in the eye, and replace it with an artificial lens implant, usually reserved for people over the age of 50. Nothing is done to the shape of the cornea. The surgery occurs inside the eye only. After the age of 50, we all begin to need reading glasses due to a normal aging of the lens in the eye (presbyopia). So, for people who want to be completely free from glasses completely, Refractive lens Exchange may be an option, as special lens implants that provide distance, intermediate, and near vision can be used for the surgery.


In summary, for younger people (aged 20-50), Laser Vision Correction, or LASIK is usually the best option to correct distance vision. At these younger ages, people do not require reading glasses. LASIK is a relatively safe procedure, and is more economical. After the age of 50, once people start to need reading glasses, Clear Lens Exchange (Refractive Lens Exchange) may be the better option, as this procedure allows for freedom of glasses (including reading glasses).